Mix ammonia 1:10 water in a spray bottle in early spring. Spray the ground every 2-3 weeks around your hostas to kill the newly hatched slug babies before they annihilate your plants!
Mix 2 eggs, 2 cups milk, 2 tablespoons olive oil plus same of dish soap. Add 2 L water. A dash of cayenne pepper doesn't hurt either. Mix and pour into spray bottle. Spray susceptible plants until they are dripping. Lasts approx one month before you need to spray again.
For each tomato plant insert the neck of a plastic water bottle near to the plant with the bottom cut out of the bottle. Every week scoop 2 teaspoons of skim milk powder and 1 teaspoon of epsom salts into the open bottle. Run water into the bottle until all powder has dissolved. He swears he has the best tomatoes!
Mix water + 2 teaspoons soap + 1 teaspoon oil into a spray bottle. Spray insects as soon as you see them. According to Wilma they will die!
Let Charlie know what you do and how it works to have it featured here!